Minggu, 16 April 2017

Tugas ke 3 B.inggris 2


A. Answer the following questions

  1. Accounting provides a financial picture a business firm
  2. Used by management, stockholders, creditors, independent analysts, banks and government
  3. The incomes statement and balance sheet are the two types of records that most business
  4. By reading these statement, Once can identify how money was received and spent by a company. And by analyzing these records, one can determine whether or not the activities of the company have been good for it.
  5. Ratio analysis is one of the main tools used to analyze accounting records. The main example of this is the Return on Investment Ration, which is the most widely used single measure of a firm’s operating efficiency. A second set of rations helps a company evaluate its current financial position. A third set of rations deans with the overall financial structure of the company, primarily analyzing the values of the ownership of the firm

B. Choose the correct word available to complete the following sentences

  1. Accounting is needed to record (V) all business transactions
  2. He keep very neat report (N)
  3. Our firm’s current profit (N) are very high
  4. They profit(V) from their association with that company
  5. Our Record of accountant receivable show that $5.000 is owed to us
  6. The activity is Recorded on income statements and balance sheets
  7. Secretary had finished typing the Report before the manager arrived at the office
  8. How much does the company make Profit this year?

C. Complete the following words

  1. This is the name for buildings machinery, money in the bank and money owned by customers. (Assets).
  2. The loss of value of the things in number one. (1) (Depreciation),
  3. Money which is borrowed. (Loan).
  4. The extra money a company or person pays for borrowing money. (Interest).
  5. The total sum of money which is supplied by the owners of a company to set it up. (Capital)
  6. Cash or goods which the owner takes from the company for his own private use (Drawings)
  7. These are bought by people wishing to invest in the company (Shares)
  8. The extra amount which is paid for a company above the value of its assets (Goodwill)
  9. The purchase of another company (Acquisition)
  10. An official examination of the accounts (Audit)
  11. A financial plan for the future (Budget)
  12. A statement of the financial position the company (Balance sheet)
  13. The official books for keeping accounts (Ledgers)
  14. A reduction in the price which is offered to customers (Discount)
  15. This company has supplied goods but has not received any money for them yet (Creditor)
  16. Goods which has the company has available to sell (Stock)
  17. Customers who have received goods but not paid for them yet (Debitors)
  18. This is the name of the difference between the credit and debit side of a account (Balance)
  19. Companies make this when they sell their goods for more than it costs (Profit)
  20. Companies make this when they sell their goods for less than it costs (Loss)

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